Language key: Ögwa:wëh [it belongs to us], Nonöëhjoʹdëʹ (no-noh-enh-joh!-denh!); [Nation; Lit. Their territory], Nögeʹseoʹdëʹ (nonh-gayh!-say-oh!-denh!); [Clan (my)]

Pronunciation guide: a as in ah; e as in they; i as in ski; o as in go; u as in cue; ä as in at; ë as in end; ö as in o (Bardeau, 2011).

Learning resources:

Definitive Seneca : It’s in the Word by Phyllis E. Wms. Bardeau. (Dictionary)
Speak Seneca App
Seneca Dictionary App

The term Ögwa:wëh [it belongs to us] is our current placeholder for the term "Object". We are currently in communication with Seneca Nation’s Language Department to determine how to best portray our collections. We recognize our community may bear insight regarding our Digital Collections. We encourage any knowledge or concerns be shared to